A Black Knight floats through the galaxy, is hooded and covered with a long black robe. What are they up to? Maybe they are looking for something. Nothing is known about their intentions. Since it was first sighted in 1998 very close to our orbit, conjecture has not stopped filling scientific and media debates. Many believe that it is the fireproof Darth Vader who is still looking for his legendary ” Death Star” that he believes lost and not destroyed. Who knows, could have mistaken the moon (for its similar appearance) for his beloved spaceship.

It all started in 1899 while Nicola Tesla wasexperimenting with one of his nearly 300 inventions. An electronic device that allowed the recovery of signals and sounds (radio frequency waves) transmitted by electromagnetic waves. It was the so common and well-known radio. Here, the idea that they were extraterrestrial sounds, natural radio sources emitted by some pulsar or some star, and not terrestrial sounds, began to develop.
In 1928, a radio amateur in Oslo, Norway, Jorgen Hals heard strange sounds coming, according to him, from cosmic space. Since then, the suspicion that they were signs of alien life was more than a hunch.
Years later in 1931 the astronomer Karl Guthe Jansky detected radio waves withinour galaxy, coming from an unknown source in the center of the Milky Way. In 1946 the first radio source outside our galaxy was discovered in the constellation of Cygnus.
In 1954 the newspapers published the news that the US Air Force had detected 2 satellites in orbits close to Earth. Time in which this technology did not yet exist “officially”, since the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957 on Sputnik 1.
In 1960 the US Navy reported that it had detected a “dark object ” in space within Earth’s orbit. At first they suspected it to be a Russian spy satellite. Later they retracted confirming that the allegedly Russian satellite spy was actually the remains of the Discoverer VIII satellite of the Air Force US a spy satellite reconnaissance launched in 1959, which had been diverted.
Apparently there had been an overburning of the booster rocket that took the satellite into a higher zone, a more eccentric orbit than planned. The camera was damaged, and the capsule’s descent parachute (which carried the photographed images recorded inside) did not open when it was separated from the main part of the satellite. The capsule impacted the Pacific Ocean outside the planned area and was never recovered.

The Discoverers (there were several of them), were covert photographic reconnaissance satellites in the Corona program. Their goal was to replace the previous U-2 spy planes. They were intended for the secret surveillance of territories of interest such as China and the Soviet Union. With the photos they made maps that were used to assess the disposition, speed and range of foreign missile production.
As early as 1963 the astronaut Gordon Cooper one of the Mercury Seven (the famous firsts American astronauts), reported an alleged sighting of a UFO during the mission Mercury Atlas 9. As there is no evidence that it was a terrestrial object, NASA classified it as an “unidentified flying object. “
Radio sources are electromagnetic radiation generally emitted by a hot gas, such as neutral hydrogen or carbon monoxide. Their electrons move inside magnetic fields. Although they usually come from spiral galaxies and specifically from the quasars found in them, that is, from supermassive black holes, radio sources have also been detected that come from stars, pulsars, supernova remnants, or diffuse bodies such as interstellar dust clouds or other type of galaxies.
That is, they can be caused by wavelengths emitted by atoms and molecules that are floating in space. They not always have a visible spectrum, but can be detected by emitting of radio.

The black knight speaks of a satellite that has been orbiting the Earth for 13,000 years, and of the intermittent signals that it has emitted giving indications of its existence and of its enigmatic ” hooded guardian ” or dark knight. It had been built with very advanced technology andits purpose is unknown.

However this theory is intermixed with unrelated stories, reports of unusual sightings, spy satellites and also a good deal of imagination, born of a mixture of myths and legends about the moon. It is a classic of mystery. According to this theory, the moon is not a natural star but it would be a kind of huge artificial satellite, an artifact or spaceship and it would be hollow or would contain a substance in its interior space.
This hypothesis has created much interest and has inspired several novels of science fiction, like that of Wells “The First Men in the Moon “, which describes the life of the insectoids “Selenites” living within the Hollow moon.

In 1973 the Spacefligh magazine of the British Interplanetary Society BIS published an article by Ducan Alasdair Lunan. In it he hypothesized on a suspected message of hidden radio that had been sent by a spacecraft supposedly alien. This probe would orbit around the Moon specifically in the L5 point in the lunar orbit for a long time, 13,000 years.
The message would have been detected asearly as the 1920s but had been ignored. Later a research collaboration between the Norwegians and the Dutch while they were studying the delayed echo effect were able to identify and decipher such a message, which said:
“Start here. Our home is Upsilon Boötis, which is a double star. We live on the sixth planet out of seven, coming from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our sixth planet has a moon. Our fourth planet has three. Our first and third planet has each one. Our probe is at the position of Arcturus, known on our maps. “
According to this conspiracy the probe would have been soundby the inhabitants of a planet located in or orbit of the star Epsilon Bo OTIS, and was about 13,000 years. So the signals that Tesla detected did not come from deep space but from the moon, from the signal emitted by the artifact, just like Jorgen Hals, the radio amateur. And Gordon Cooper would have seen the Black Knight himself. In 1974 Mark Brandis wrote a novel inspired by the myth entitled Spaceprobe Epsilon.

The black knight was sighted for the first time and immortalized in a photo during the space mission STS-88. On December 14, 1998, the first mission of the space shuttle Endeavor was launched into space. It had to arrive at the International Space Station ISS and was carrying different goods, including the first US module, the Unity node, an IMAX camera from the ICBC warehouse, the Argentine satellite SAC-A, MightSat 1, the SEM space experiment module- 07 and G-093 from the Getaway Special program sponsored by the University of Michigan.
During the STS-88 mission, as it was called, the astronauts had to dock the Unity node and the Zarya (which was already in orbit) and for this they had to perform different tasks outside the station, specifically 3 walks in outside space, such as connecting communication and power cables.

One of those tasks consisted of installing 3 thermal blankets that were lightly tied awaiting installation. They are thermal fabrics used for thermal control, they ensure an acceptable and sufficient temperature, since during the phases of the mission strong thermal variations that occur in the space environment. This multilayer insulation reduces heat loss by thermal radiation.
Maneuver installation was being recorded on video, images and audio recorded the moment in which Astronaut Jerry L. Ross while he was installing one of the thermal blankets, the blanket escaped and went flying off his hands.

The other astronauts sighted a black amorphous object from a distance. The images were recorded and later disseminated by the media. Its strange appearance sparked the existence of the Black Knight.
It was actually the thermal blanket that had accidentally dispersed, a space debris that wandered through space until returning to Earth it passed through the Earth’s atmosphere and it disintegrated. The NORAD organization called it S025570 1998-067C. Nonetheless the conspirators don’t accept it.